I begin with a well-trodden phrase, from our beloved Raul Seixas (brazilian singer), which, however much it is said and repeated, has a great deal of truth in it. "A dream that is dreamt together is reality". Inspired by my two great friends Natália Almeida and Lemon Torquato, who made collaborative funding campaigns to raise dreams I decided to venture along the same path.
From mid-March to now it's been almost two months and I've been working hard to get one of my biggest dreams down on paper. Actually to put it on paper. To publish my first authorial book "Caminhos Gerais" (General Paths).
In 2015 I travelled by motorbike and for about three months the royal road, from Rio to Diamantina, and continued by road to the Chapada and then to Salvador, returning by the coast. At the time I really thought that the adventure I was living should be told, but I wasn't sure why. I didn't think I was doing anything special, I was travelling with my savings and illustrating what I had seen, nothing more. With time my perception changed about myself, about fears, flaws, mistakes and successes. With the reflections and experiences that were unfolding I understood that dreams are to be lived.

But I do not mean only dreams in a more oneiric and immaterial sense. Dreams are bridges to the future, links that connect us to the future and that make us travel paths so that we can build, in the present, the world we dream of. I see today that, in a certain way, my dream of 2015 united me to the Arthur of today. That I did not have the maturity and understanding necessary to follow the path that, at that time, was already being shown. Like any road, it is built along the way, and in a certain way I already sensed how to reach the future point.
Unlike what I thought at the time, it was not alone and closing reflections. But exactly the opposite, exposing ideas and allowing oneself the new that openness brings. Fear will continue to exist, but it is good to remember that it is never only us who represent ourselves. We are the constant and incessant construction of the collective that precedes us and surrounds us.
I am grateful to see that more than me, there are dozens of people who believe in my work and also want to see "Caminhos Gerais" flourish and allow new horizons to the tired eyes of our reality. The world is plural and I see that this work of mine is built by hundreds of hands. I am even happier to have seen the process as a whole and to have rescued it all now from a new place. The path does not exist. It is made by walking.